+64 3 3106007

Job Seeker Programme

Employment OpportunitiesOf course getting employment is important for clients and it is hard to know where to start as an intending migrant to Australia

Australian Migration Consultancy Services are able to refer clients to a job seeker programme which means that when you, the client, require to investigate employment opportunities, the programme and independent recruitment advisors can deliver the following:

  1. Support and reassurance when the client knows that they need a job to move further
  2. Referral to recruitment professionals , where possible, who will examine your case for no charge
  3. A letter of direction to show you where to turn to next in your search for employment
  4. A suggested Australian style CV for you to copy
  5. Employment support and direction, dealing with employers and assisting you to finalise the job offer where possible, once you have arranged relevant connections.

Once actual job negotiation has become necessary we can arrangeĀ  legal support to assist to finalise a fair employment relationship inside Australia.

Of course only the client can get the final job but as much support, as possible, helps tremendously in what is a challenging time.

Free initial consultation